Memphis Shades Metric Memphis Slim Memphis Slim 15 "-Clear
Memphis Shades Metric Memphis Slim Memphis Slim 15 "-Clear
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Slimmed-Down version of Memphis Fats Available in Gradient Translucent Colors, Clear, Solar (A Light Tint With 72% visible Light Transmission), Black Smoke and Dark Black Smoke Measures 18 "Wide; Available in 15" and 17 "Height Withs with 7" or 9 "Headlight Cutouth Cutouth Made of Lucite® For Lucite® EXCELLENT OPTICS AND DURABLEY WINCHIELD STRAPS ARE AVAILABLE IN POLISHED STAINLESS Steel with CNC-MACHINED BILLET ALUMINUM FITTINGS AND STAINless Steel Socket-Head Screws Or "Night Shades" Black Version, which is a gradient black windshield with black E-Coated Stainless Steel Straps, Fittings and Hardware for A Black-on-Black Sinister Look No-Tool Detachable Trigger-Lock Mounting Hardware Must Be Ordered Separately; Windshield Coverage;