Montamos un kit de tijas anchas para Harley-Davidson Sportster

We rode a wide tige kit for Harley-Davidson Sportster

We will replace the tijas of origin with a Wide tige kit to enhance the front of our bike, providing a more "fat" and robust appearance.
To achieve our objective we will use one of the many existing kits in the market, of type "bolt on", that is, that it is installed without making any modification, and brings everything necessary for its assembly.

The kit
The pieces that make up the kit are the upper and lower tija, the shaft of the same, the new axis of the longest wheel, and two sets of separators. One is for the brake disc, since by increasing the distance between the bars and the wheel the brake clamp is also spaced apart and in this way the lateral displacement is corrected. The other separators perform the same function but fasten the fender, thereby allowing the same to be located in the same original position with respect to the wheel.

Wide tigge kit for sportster

The preparation
The first thing we need to do to assemble the kit is to raise the front of the bike so that the set of forks and wheel is free, to then be able to remove it from the shaft. We will also take advantage of dismantling the fender and brake clamp.

Mount tijas wide sportster

We continue with the disassembly by loosening the 4 screws with Torx head that hold the forks of the forks and at this point we loosen the bolts that hold the towers of the handlebar and we can already loosen the top screw of the axis of the tijas to remove them.

disassembly tijas harley-davidson sporster

We start riding
The next step is to extract the lower bearing of the original tija (if it is deteriorated we will replace it) and install it on the axis of the new tija, not without first lubricate conveniently, from inside out, we have done it with a bearings greaser.

Manual bearings greasing

Manual greasing wheel bearings

how to grease bearings hareley-davidson

We perform the same steps with the top bearing, and install the new tijas following the reverse order to the disassembly and respecting the torque pairs of the Harley-Davidson service manual.

montage bars harley-davidson

The bars have to stand out a few millimeters from the top.

Height adjustment forks harley-davidson

Next we have to remove the brake disc from the wheel and install the separator

disk separator assembly brake harley-davidson

and back to screw the disk over this one. For these menesters we continue with the pairs of tightening and mounting sequences indicated in the workshop book of the model on which we work.

disk separator mount harley-davidson sportster

After reinstalling the wheel at its location we can no longer mount the brake clamp and the fender, using the separators provided in the kit.

Flender-dender-davidson-wide tigge

Completion and adjustment
We make sure that we have followed all the steps and we check that the brake works correctly in our new front, much more imposing and we make a last step consistent in adjusting the slack of the direction so that it is neither very tight nor very loose.

how to mount install tigjas wide harley-davidson sportster

This last step is critical, since its correct execution will depend on the direction of the bike being properly behaved. Again we follow the manual at the foot of the letter to check this setting.
As always, the final step consists of a road test where we will check that everything is working properly and at the same time we will be able to enjoy our new wide glide front.

Frank Burguera


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Me haríais un enorme favor diciendome q medida hace el chasis de arriba abajo donde va enganchada la horquilla y si tienen todas las sporters la misma medida o varía algo dependiendo del modelo y año?


Hola, muy buenas, leyendo vuestra publicación, he decidido escribiros para comentaros si estas tijas más anchas solo son para motos custom O también las hacen pata motos enduro. Tengo una Honda crf 450 × 2009 que Le estoy haciendo una preparación supermotard, pero a mi gusto, en la cual la rueda mucho mas anchas es primordial.He estado buscando tijas más anchas sin èxito alguno. Sabría decirme si las hay para el modelo mio .
Gracias de antemano y un cordial saludo


Hola, yo tengo un problema, digamos que yo he hecho lo contrario, he quitado unas horquillas que llevaba montada una Harley sportster 883 del año 2000, por las originales y me falta un tornillo de la tija, como lo puedo encontrar o si vosotros me lo podéis proporcionar, gracias


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