Simplificando el sistema eléctrico de Harley-Davidson: eliminando problemas

Simplifying Harley-Davidson's Electrical System: Eliminating Problems

Life seems more and more complicated. Generally we complicate it ourselves, induced by "the system" established, which tries to convince us that to be happy we need more.
If we stop to think a little, we suddenly come to the conclusion that less is more, and this is something we can apply to all facets of our life. And on our bike too.

Electricity, magic and voodoo
The electric part of any motorized vehicle is one of the biggest unknown and feared, both by DIY enthusiasts (do it yourself) and even by experienced mechanics. This has an explanation, and it is that the human being by nature fears what he cannot see or what he does not understand. But we are in the 21st century and we should break this myth, electricity is very accurate, we can control it and even visualize it (measure it) with the right tools and knowledge.
I not going to base this article on a talk about electrons and potential differences. (we will talk about it another time), it is simply enough to understand that electricity "travels" through conductive cables as if it were water through pipes, so it is essential that these pipes are in good condition so that there is no leakage. The connections of any electrical system are its weak point, and if they are in good condition everything will work properly.

Simplifying Our Lives
Imagine that you could start all the wiring on your bike and make an electrical system from scratch, with just a few wires. This system would be able to run the engine and the essential lights, and also as you created it yourself (and it is simple) it would allow you to diagnose any failure in a very simple and fast way.
Do you like the idea? Let's put it into practice.

From zero
Before I begin again I remember that it is of vital importance to pay attention to connections, they must be realized consciously, without haste.
We start from the basis that the bike does not have any cable and works with carburetor (electronic injection needs a lot of wiring).
The chassis is a "fat" cable: Every time you see this symbol:

mass harley-davidson

indicates that the cable is connected to the negative pole of the battery. If we connect the negative battery cable directly to the chassis, we are making it part of the electrical system, and all electricity will return through it, saving us all the cables back!

We start with the ignition key, which has 3 positions: all off, on and on + lights.

connections contact harley-davidson

We're still at the lighthouse.

schema harley-davidson lighthouse connections

Then we wired the rear pilot.

harley-davidson rear pilot connection electrical scheme

The next step is the horn.

electric scheme claxon harley-davidson connections

Then the ignition.

electron schema harley-davidson connections

We continue with the starter motor.

Electric schema connections motor harley-davidson boot

And we finished the job with the charging system.

 Electric schema connections motor harley-davidson boot

It should be borne in mind that these schemes are orientative and can change according to the components, but choppers around the world have been used for several decades to the present, facilitating diagnosis and maintenance, simplifying our passion for 2 wheels.
The schemes are also valid to understand how the different electrical circuits act as they allow us to isolate the connections of each component and understand its functioning. Minimalism in a pure state.

Frank Burguera


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Buenos días tengo una Electra glide 2006 las luces traseras incluyendo direccionales no prenden , cuando instalo el fusible inmediatamente se quema ,me gustaria saber si tienes alguna idea que puede ser? Gracias y saludos.

Roberto Duque

Tengo uno moto Harley Davidson sposter XL 1200 2007 de repente dejo de funcionar todo no prende nada no se k se la falla

Gonzalo davila

en donde puedo conseguir el arnes de instrumentos de la harley sportster 883 2014

joaquin diaz

Saludos..tengo una Sportster 883 año 93 quisiera saber dónde se conectan las terminales de la bobina de alta,esq encontré un cable cortado y viene de la bobina…muchas gracias

Alexis Castillo

hola tengo harley año 2003 motor 1449 problema contador abeces noba

luaces rico luis raul

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