Reparación y reconstrucción de los frenos Harley-Davidson

Repair and rebuild Harley Davidson brake

In this article, we will carry out a purely practical work, that is, to repair and rebuild the rear brake system.
Although in this particular case, we chose a Harley Davidson SOFTAIL brake, the fact is that most pliers and brake pumps are very similar, and similar procedures are also very similar. Therefore, you can use the methods used by other motorcycle models, which is common sense, within your ability, Because we are talking about a factor that is very important to our safety.

A. Questions
The repair of the brake system is usually carried out when the motorcycle is loaded for a long enough kilometer. We began to notice that when we release the brake pads or pedals, there will be too much friction on the brake pads (these tablets do not return to the correct position). In extreme cases, excessive heat may be generated. Because of the friction and the brake If this happens, we continue to shoot with the motorcycle, and we will reach full occlusion and produce a deformed disk that makes it unusable.

Repair of the system includes the installation of a brake pump repair kit, a pliers repair kit and a new disk deformation.

Brake repair Harley Davidson

We need brake fluid (4 or 5, depending on the year, if HD model). It's important to use the right fluids because they're usually incompatible, and if something goes wrong, we're going to break the brakes when we need them most. We can find this information on the bomb cover or in the operator's manual

Brake pump maintenance Harley Davidson

We start with wheels
Let's take the wheel off first and then take out the brake disc

Replace brake disc Harley Davidson

The next thing we need to do is to check its deformation. We need to use a line rule and an electroplating game to check. If it exceeds the maximum grating specified in the workshop book, the disk must be replaced.

Check the brake discs Harley Davidson

In the next step, we will install a new brake disc and it is recommended to replace the mounting screws as well. In any case, we will use a small drop Screw There's a "strong" on each bolt. We use one bolt Turning wrench-At the speed specified by the manufacturer

Installing the brake disc brake Harley Davidson

Usually we use the star pulse program

Procedure press brake disc

After installation, we will reassemble the wheels in accordance with the procedures and requirements of the manual (I insist on this, but it is essential for a successful job).

We continue to use forceps

In order to work with the brake caliper, the most convenient thing is to put it down from the motorcycle, so that we can take it to the work table. We need to take out the piston with compressed air or special tools

Tractor piston caliper brake

When the piston comes out, we can replace the square section of the graphic conference, which is why the piston and the tablet are released. Brake, stop Don't destroy the board. We'll use plastic or wood to manipulate it

Harley Davidson brake repair

Now, we can replace the fudge with the fudge from the rebuild pack, and there's a key problem with successfully repairing the brake system: cleaning. We have to be very careful to prevent foreign bodies or dust from sinking into the components and we will clean everything with alcohol.
Once it's cleaned up, we'll use a lubricant Specific products Or brake fluid, we'll re install the piston.

Brake pump maintenance Harley Davidson

Then we put the brake caliper and the tablets in the position of his motorcycle

Finally, the brake pump
All we have left is the brake pump. After removing it from the motorcycle, we can loosen the main assembly nut so that we can take out the bolt and its internal device.

Brake pump maintenance Harley Davidson

We will use the same cleaning and assembly procedures as the brake caliper and replace the components provided in the kit.

Harley Davidson reconstruction of brake pump

We have re installed the brake pump, and now we only have to "bleed" with the proper brake fluid and the system, that is to remove all bubbles from the system so that only liquid remains in the components and pulsation.
There are many different operating systems (we will discuss and compare in another article), and this time we used an artificial vacuum pump MitiwazThis is the tool specified in the HD manual

Mityvac Harley Davidson brake bleeding

Final conclusion
As always, we will re-examine everything to ensure that the operation goes smoothly, and we will test the motorcycle on the road until everything is OK. Ryder Hardt, Blake Hardt!

Frank Burgan


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Hola como estan , mi consulta es la siguiente.Tengo un softail 1340 , y últimamente al frenar con el freno trasero, queda agarrada y frenada la moto, tengo que bombear varias veces para que se destrabe.
Tienen idea si puede llegar a ser de la bomba el problema??
Desde ya muchas gracias!!
Gevont de Buenos Aires Argentina


Como se debe dejar visualizar el líquido de freno en el deposito de líquido de la bomba delantera de una harley, cuando la mirilla esta en la tapa de la deposito

Carcos carballo

No lo puedo reparar VRoad Night 2009el freno delantero se bloqueó la palanca dura como soldada revisamos todo no encontramos el defecto,la bomba impecable quien me puede ayudar? Gracias.Mi macanico dice que es el ABS ?

Manuel Diez

Hola Buenos dias.
Me llamo Javier Sànchez y soy de Navarra.Teneis algun taller colavorador o algo asì por esta zona?.Tengo una Heritage Softail Classic del 2010 y quiero mejorarle los frenos.La verdad es que tampoco se muy bien que hacerle pero quisiera mejorarle….¡Todo! Bajando buenos puertos ,me he quedado sin freno trasero por calentamiento del liquido de frenos.Pero quisiera el consejo de alguien especializado,por que en los foros lees de todo,que si bombas radiales,que si discos flotantes que si las pinzas…y la verdad termino un poco liado.Por esta zona andamos mas bien escasos de talleres especializados,aparte de los concesionarios Harley de Zaragoza y de Andoain(Guipuzcua),de manera que recurro a vosotros.Què me aconsejais y…,,si sabeis de algùn taller amigo por esta zona,muchas gracias.

francisco Javier Sánchez De Muniain

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