How to paddle your Harley's switchboard with your mobile: Fuelpak FP3
In Previous articles There has already been talk about the need to adjust carburation or injection of a motorcycle if exhausts, filter, or any element that modifies the amount of air that enters or leaves an engine are changed.
When performing this task on an injection motorcycle the process would be:
- Connect an interface to communicate with the ECM (switchboard) of the motorcycle
- Download a pre-programmed map depending on the engine characteristics
- Adjust and refine the map based on our needs
Only for experts?
Traditionally the first 2 points have always been easy to solve (in fact it is the only thing that is done in some "professional" environments), but the part of the adjustment and tuning requires personnel with advanced training, data collection systems in real time and Quite a long time to perform tests, all more expensive the correct installation.
Fortunately, more and more manufacturers of rescheduling devices are offering "Autotune" software, through which it is possible to perform in a quick, simple and effective way an acceptable complete tuning.
Squeezing technology
Vance & Hine technicians have taken advantage of their competition experience to develop automatic paddling software for Harley-Davidson who uses a small and powerful multitasking tactile computer with "telemetry" system through GPS and accelerator location built-in accelerometer: our smartphone.
Indeed, taking full advantage of mobile phone functionalities (I do not mean WassApp) we can make real -time data recordings, measurements of different parameters and map corrections in the switchboard.
The device in question is called Fuelpak FP3, and consists of a Bluetooth interface that is directly plugged into the motorcycle data connector, receiving communications and power supply at the same time.
Once the interface is connected, it only remains to download the software directly from Play Store (for Android devices) or App Store (for Apple devices).
If we want to work more comfortable we can also install a handlebar support for our specific phone model, which will allow us to have all the sensors of the sensors in real time (speed, temperature, rpm ...)
After installing the program we enter it and then we put the contact of the motorcycle in "ON" (it is not necessary to start it. IMPORTANT: Verify that the "RUN/OFF" handlebar button is in a "RUN" position). After this step we have to match our terminal through Bluetooth with the FP3 and from there we can communicate with the motorcycle.
On the first screen we can see the main characteristics of the software:
• Map lookup: paddling and tuning area.
• Read Trouble Codes: From here we can read the motor failure codes (DTCS) and erase them.
• View Data Sensor: Configurable screen to see the different parameters of real -time sensors.
Practical case
We are going to review the steps to follow when making a rowgy and "autotune":
• We enter Map Lookup and select the most appropriate map depending on the escpes, filter, etc. That our model equates.
• We program the map ("Reflash").
• Once programmed a new option will appear on the menu: Autotune; We entered.
• We select our map, and we are going to turn around with the motorcycle, while the program records data (we will see how some boxes are filled depending on the areas (rpm and motor load) through which we pass.
• Next we indicate to the program that saves and reprographs the new calibration ("Apply Learned Values") and we have finished: we have a custom -made calibration for our motorcycle.
It is advisable acceleration and power.
Frank Burguera
hola felicidades por vuestro trabajo.quiero intalar un fuelpack en mi hd road king del 08 pero el dia de mañana …..podria desintalarlo y volver al seting original de la moto??
buenas tardes, quisiera saber si una vez que mapee la moto puedo desenchufar el fp3, y en ese caso , vuelvo a reenchufar los cables como estaban originalmente?? (esto no volvera a la moto al mapeo original?) muchas gracias!!
¿Permite bajar las revoluciones a ralentí a voluntad segun la temperatura del motor?
Si es así, ¿hay un mínimo del que no permita bajar?
¿FP3 sirve para street Glide twin cam 110 del 2010 ?
Hola. Entre este y el SESTP ¿Cual es el que más parametros ajusta o cual es más eficaz? ¿El FP3 también queda vinculado a una sola centralita?
Veo una ventaja en el FP3 poder ver como se completan los datos de rpm y carga, y conseguir un mapa lo más completo posible, sin cargar con un portatil. Pero mi duda es si el SESTP es más adecuado.