Suspensión delantera: cómo funciona la horquilla telescópica

Front suspension: how telescopic fork works

In this article we will deal with the technical and operating details of telescopic fork suspension systems, this type of suspension is the most common and currently used in most motorcycles for the front in custom models, sports motorcycles, offroad...
Its success is based mainly on its simplicity and effectiveness, ease of maintenance, rigidity and reasonable cost.

telecopic fork operation

Suspension: buffers and docks
The suspension system is part of the motorcycle chassis, in particular the elastic part of the motorcycle, and its main mission is to absorb the irregularities of the road, allowing vertical wheel movement to maintain at all times contact with the ground while enabling driver and passenger to drive under control and comfort.

telescopic fork scheme

To better understand how the system works, let's explain the damping sequence:
-In the first moment the irregularity of the soil is absorbed by the deformation of the tyre, it is by this that at technical level the tyre is also considered as part of the damping.
- Once the tyre is compressed, the force exerted continues to push, compressing in turn the dock of the suspension. The pier can be linear or progressive, the latter has the space between turns or "pitch" gradually reduced to make the principle soft and gradually hardening.

progressive suspension pier

The dock is strained at the same time as it is compressed, absorbing the energy of the impact and allowing the motorcycle chassis to follow as horizontally as possible from the ground.
In rest position we can regulate the hardness of the pier, either by replacing it with another more rigid or long or by compressing it more, this is called compression adjustment.
-When we pass the obstacle the force exerted decreases and the pier tends to regain its original length, releasing the energy and pushing the wheel back down, so as not to lose contact with the ground.
So basic what would happen after going through a bump is that the motorcycle would start bounced without control, so we must add some energy absorption system to control the wharf’s motion: the buffer, which turns this energy into friction and heat.
In the case we are dealing with the buffer is made up of a piston with holes through which a special oil passes, modifying or adjusting both the quantity and size of the holes and the density of the oil we can regulate the speed with which the pier will climb or fall, i.e. compression and extension.

suspension adjustment compresion and extension

This is why telescopic fork is a hydraulic suspension system.
There are many types of hydraulic valves or pistons, fully mechanical, fixed or adjustable, and also electronic adjustment.
Fork oils are classified according to their viscosity, to more densely “hard” the damping.

Types of telescopic fork
When classifying this type of suspension we can talk about conventional fork and reverse fork.
-In the conventional fork the moving part is the bottom bottle, which slides down the bar attached to the tija.
-The reverse fork is basically a conventional fork mounted "backwards", where the bottle is on top, attached to the tija, and the bar slides into it. Although more expensive to produce, it offers better results as it decreases the “unsuspended mass” of the front train, i.e. the weight of the components that go up and down from the chassis, eliminating inertia and improving driving.

harley davidson suspension reverse fork

At the internal working level, telescopic forks can be classified as:
-Conventional: In this type of suspension we have the pier and piston with its holes (fixed or regulable), as we have explained above.
-From cartridge: It is an evolution of the previous system, and it is like having "a damper inside the damper". The main advantage of the cartridge is its high-speed circuit, when for example we take a fast bump that the buffer system cannot absorb because the oil cannot pass so fast through the piston holes, the cartridge enters action by opening a step that allows the pressure to be released, while maintaining control at all times.
In these systems, used for example in the Harley-Davidson Touring, Buell and some sports Dyna models, suspension can efficiently respond to a multitude of driving situations where a conventional system would reach its limits.

suspensión harley-davidson

Improvements and modifications
Although on another occasion we will talk about the correct maintenance and adjustment of the hydraulic forks, here is a couple of “invents” that improve conventional systems quite significantly, especially in Custom models. The user profile of these motorcycles will not require great sport performance, so manufacturers often lower costs in this important component.
- "Gold Valves" or emulators: This is an extra piston that is added to the system, simulating the behaviour of a cartridge system. They are relatively economic and adjustable.

válvula de oro harley-davidson

-Bolt-On cartridge systems: In this case it is a simple and quick turn of our conventional telescopic fork into a cartridge suspension, only the original components need to be removed and this new system “drop down” to obtain a high performance suspension.

Suspensión de KIT suspensión progresiva harley-davidson

Frank Burguera


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Disculpen tengo un problema con mi suspención quisiera q me pudiera ayudar a solucionar mi llanta tenantera tiene una desviación al lado derecho siempre su q lo corrija q problema podría ser

Gustavo salinas

Tengo una moto Honda CB125R que compré hace unos años. La moto siempre ha funcionado bien, pero hace unos días empecé a notar un problema con la suspensión delantera. Cuando pasaba por baches o superficies irregulares, la suspensión delantera se sentía muy dura y no absorbía bien los impactos. Esto hacía que la moto se moviera de forma brusca y que la conducción fuera incómoda. Al principio, pensé que el problema se resolvería solo con el tiempo. Pero el problema empeoró y ya no podía conducir la moto con seguridad. Al final cambie la suspensión delantera moto y todo mejoro.


Buena explicación sobre como funcionan las horquillas de nuestras motos. Os recomiendo complementar con esta información:



Mande hablar las barras invertidas de una motocicleta duke 200ng y me quedó un sonido como cuando se hecha una moneda en una alcancia plastica será algún problema en las barras

Jonathan andres Leon salamanca

Amigos me podrían ayudar,
Me accidente hace un tiempo con mi pulsar As200, mis barras se perdieron, compre unas genericas, hace como 1 mes las instale, pero no funcionan bien, hace como que si se “trabaran”, intentan a mortiguar y pasa lo mismo.
Las desarme, cheque aceite, senti que le faltaba, les meti otro nuevo, y siguen igual.
Entonces me vi a la tarea de comparar con las barras originales que se doblaron, y en la parte de la barra de aluminio, al fondo son difirentes, ya que las originales terminan en un desgaste conico, y antes traen unos desgastes circulares y un orificio. Y las genericas que ando, esas no traen nada, vienen lisas y termian en cilindro.
Alguien que conozca de eso, me podría ayudar.
Ya que por esa razon, no ando mi moto.

Mauricio Villalobos

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