Funcionamiento de la bomba de combustible de la moto

Operation of motorcycle fuel pump

To make an internal combustion engine work, we need three elements: air, fuel and spark. In a vaporization engine, the fuel is absorbed in the depression of the engine. In modern EFI electronic injection engines, fuel is injected at the right amount and pressure at the right time in the combustion chamber.

Under pressure

The gasoline pump is used in electronic injection Locomotives (including some remote controlled fuel tank carburetors) to provide fuel for the injector with stable supply and appropriate pressure.

The components of a bomb are usually immersed in the fuel tank (so that refrigerant can be used to cushion the noise of its operation). The gasoline goes through the pre filter, and then it's pressurized and goes into the filter.

This filtration stage is essential for the treatment of solid waste that may damage the ejector.

Once filtered, the fuel is transferred to the pump, where it is pressurized. This unit, which normally operates electronically, draws 12 volts from the injection system control relay and has various types of pumps (rotors, turbines, earlobes, rollers, etc.), but their function is to transport gasoline from the tank to the injector.

They work constantly, bringing steady flow and increasing fuel pressure.


The pressure regulator is a mechanical system consisting of a spring and a valve that removes excessive pressure from the bomb by sending some gasoline back to the fuel bank.

In this way, we can get a stable fuel supply in terms of flow and pressure, which is very important because we can get the same amount of gasoline every time the injector is opened. Regardless of the engine speed (therefore, the fuel input of the injector increases or decreases over time).

A fuel level gauge is usually installed and buoyancy with variable or ultrasonic strength is usually used.

High pressure connector

Usually, pressurized gasoline is carried to the syringe by an enhanced pulsation

The output of the injector and regulator is directly connected to one end via a quick shot located outside the bunker.

Fault and diagnosis

There are two main types of fuel system failures: Electrical and mechanical.

The most common fault is a lack of voltage in the bomb's circuit or overheating of internal components, which can cause the bomb to melt. To avoid overheating, it is important to avoid frequent rolling at extremely low fuel levels (remember that the components of the oil pump are cooling and lubricating oil).

On the mechanical level, due to wear and tear of the internal parts of the pump, they usually fail. Regulator failure is also common, resulting in system pressure loss. Similarly, due to scratches on the tank wall, the internal hose may penetrate, resulting in porosity and pressure loss.

The most commonly used tool for monitoring the operation of the fuel system is the pressure gauge, which is connected to the pump output before injection.

The pressure must remain constant throughout the various revolutions and must be one of the pressure specifications indicated by the manufacturer in the workshop manual and on the specific model for that year.


Frank Burgan


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Tengo una V-blade 250 CC, inyectada.
Tuve problemas con la bomba y se la cambie, le acabo de comprar una bomba universal Bosch de 3 bar.
Me funcionará bien?; Ningún mecánico de mi zona me ha sabido responder.
Agradeceré sus comentarios.


Hola, cuántos bar tiene una bomba de combustible de una suzuki gixxer 150 di 2017?

luis aragón

Buenas tardes. Tengo una Road King 2003 twin cam 88 inyección. El caso es que me viene fallando. Es como si en baja diese tirones, mantiene el ralenti y en alta los tirones los noto menos pero los da. Me podéis ayudar. Será la bomba y el regulador. Gracias y saludos


Hola tengo una Zx12r 05..y llevo tiempo con una ningún mecanico me ha solucionado.alos 50.000k sel le hizo revisión grande. Bujias.reglaje valvulasacite.filtros iba como un misil..tocabas el acelerador 0 .5mm y salía disparada…fuerza descomunal..todas las marchas como si fuera en 1a en todas las marchas..alos 3.000km dejo de ir así y consumir mogollon de gasolina y se volvió perezosa para volvió a hacer todo y cambiar todo.. otra vez..mas bomba de gasolina…..pero sigue igual perra asta las 6-8000rpm y gasta igual vayas a 100 ke a 250…puede ser el regulador de gasolina..meta siempre la misma presión.. muy alta ..a 1000 ke a 8000rpm

Julian heredia

bien por el funcionamiento y partes de la bomba , pero nada de como sacar la bomba y demas partes de adentro del tanque de gasolina , gracias.

oscar guzman reynoso

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