S&S, Super E carburetor kit for Harley-Davidson
S&S, Super E carburetor kit for Harley-Davidson
Very suitable for standard and demanding high performance applications.
These very well developed carburetors are reliable, easy to install, adjust and provide the best leg space.
Designed to give you years of fun driving without complications thanks to its unique simplicity and its excellent adjustment.
Each carburetor kit includes a S&S carburetor, a tear filter set in the form of tear, a collector, assembly accessories, fuel line and clamps, an additional intermediate supplier, two main suppliers and a complete installation and adjustment brochure.
The Super E carburetor has a throat of 1-7/8 "and its use is recommended in any H-D Big Twin or Sports XL cylindrated engine, regardless of performance modifications.
This includes original and high performance engines.
Compatible with:> L78-84 Shovel with band heads