¿Tienes problemas en tu vida? Piensa como un mecánico

Do you have problems in your life? Piensa como un mecánico

Filosofía y mecánica
La mecánica de la motocicleta es como la vida misma. Cuando todo va bien simplemente disfrutamos de ella sin preocupaciones, y cuando surge algún problema nuestra tendencia natural nos lleva a solucionarlo de la manera más inmediata, para volver a obtener de nuevo las condiciones de funcionamiento y disfrute cuanto antes. But this rapid repair is not always the best solution and I will speak in this article.

A practical example, the fable of the rods of pushers
Once upon a time, in a motorcycle dealership in the USA, a happy client who premiered his new machine. El servicio técnico la había preparado para su entrega, revisándola, ajustándola y rodando unos 8 km con ella. Por su parte el equipo de ventas la había limpiado a conciencia y le explicaba al cliente el funcionamiento básico de su nuevo modelo.
Apenas 2 horas después de marcharse el cliente vuelve al taller, frustrado y con el lateral de la motocicleta lleno de aceite.

Harley-Davidson mechanics course

Mientras en el departamento de ventas intentan calmar al cliente diciéndole que estas cosas pueden suceder en una moto nueva, en el taller empiezan a averiguar qué ha pasado.
Efectivamente el lateral derecho del motor está cubierto de gotas de aceite, y tras una detenida inspección se verifica que la fuga procede de el tubo de los empujadores, está forzado y por ahí sale el fluido.
Tras desmontarlo se encuentran con la varilla del empujador doblada, forzando el tubo que lo cubre y creando un punto por donde se sale el aceite.

Harley-Davidson motor problem

Le comunican al cliente que ésto se debe a un fallo de fabricación, para solucionarlo rápidamente le instalan un kit de varillas ajustables e hidráulicos nuevos (por si acaso), y tras comprobar que todo funciona correctamente se le vuelve a entregar la moto al cliente.

Harley-Davidson pushers kit

Al día siguiente vuelve a aparecer la moto en el taller, esta vez en grúa, con el mismo problema. The pressure looms on the mechanics, who find the new folded rod again. They decide to open the engine, and after analyzing all conscientious components they find a gripped valve in their accommodation, which had caused the rod to bend.

Harley-Davidson Valves problem

Now they are sure to have found the cause of the problem, as the motorcycle is under guarantee, they ask for a new factory butt to avoid more problems.
Satisfied with the repair they deliver the motorcycle a week later, with some relief.
But nobody said life was easy: the crane returns the next day, with the motorcycle losing oil and the client very angry, demanding a solution. After disassembling the new cylinder head again they meet The folded rod and the gripada valve ... in the new cylinder head ???
To shorten the story I will say that after many tests and disassembly it could be verified that the engine had come out with a factory defect: the oil output hole of one of the rocker had not been drilled, which caused it to not pass oil to lubricate the valve stem;

Harley-Davidson problem solve

This was grip slightly, the pusher, which forced the tube that serves as a roof and out oil through the engine was folded.

Harley-Davidson lubrication system

Harley-Davidson oil circuit

The defective rocker was replaced (The true cause), along with a new valve guide, valve, rod, joints ... and the engine lived happily forever.

The problem
In order to solve a problem, it is important to understand its definition:
“A problem is a situation that has been diverted from normal due to a specific cause. If we find this cause we have to correct it with a solution and the situation will return to normal. ”

Harley-Davidson Official Mechanic Course

In the previous example, the mechanics were acting with solutions focused on correcting the problem (or rather the symptoms it caused), but did not act on the cause, so the problem was repeated.

The diagnosis
The function that defines a good mechanic, doctor, politician, multinational director, soldier, jadinero ... in the execution of his work is the ability to provide solutions that correct the cause of the problems or challenges that are presented to him. The most important thing when finding this solution is to be able to correctly diagnose what the origin or cause that converts a situation into something that deviates from what is expected.

how to solve problems Harley-Davidson

The diagnosis requires knowledge, study of the symptoms, measurements, checks and development of different solutions until the most successful, relying on the experience.

The moral
El ser humano posee una capacidad innata para solucionar problemas y también para crearlos. The accumulated experience and our analysis capacity is what we determine that we act on their cause or that we simply try to correct the symptoms.
Así que ya sabes, la próxima vez que tengas un problema en tu vida... piensa como un mecánico y busca la verdadera causa del mismo.

Frank Burguera


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wooou fabulosa anécdota


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